• Accueil
  • Control
  • Inspection of radio installation on land and sea for prevention purposes
  • Preventive land and sea controls

Preventive land and sea controls

As part of its radio frequency spectrum monitoring mission, the ANFR takes preventive action by checking radio sites and networks to make sure they comply with regulations. These checks help limit the risks of interference and contribute to proper spectrum management and to updating the ANFR databases. 

The ANFR monitors HF frequency bands using specific equipment installed at its international control centre (CCI) in Rambouillet. 

The ANFR also checks radio equipment essential to the safety and security of passengers on board ships to make sure it complies with regulatory conditions. These checks are carried out by ANFR agents as part of safety commissions under the authority of Maritime Affairs.

Finally, the ANFR monitors the radio equipment market as the supervisory authority for the Radio Equipment Directive (RED). 

Radio equipment on board ships

The ANFR checks radio equipment on board ships to make sure it complies with regulatory conditions. Checked equipment is essential to passenger safety and security. These actions are organised under the responsibility of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Solidarity departments. In France, these checks are carried out by ANFR agents as part of safety commissions under the authority of Maritime Affairs.