The risks

Frequency band interference hinders or even prevents all uses of that band inside a given area.

Interference disrupts or totally prevents the functioning of  applications which depend on the frequencies in question to send or receive information or commands.

A growing threat 

Combined with the increasing digitisation of data exchanges, processing and storage, there is also an increased growth in the use of radio frequencies and a significant increase in data rates and in the amount of data exchanged over wireless links. This is not just about communicating, sending or storing information, but also about receiving and giving instructions.

Our societies are increasingly dependent on wireless communication technologies that use specific frequency bands in the spectrum.

This trend, which can only become worse, is encouraged by the growth of certain uses such as the outsourcing of data and processing (Cloud), a boom in teleworking, the proliferation of wireless applications, the development of openness on the Internet and the massive arrival of the Internet of Things (smart sensors, driverless vehicles, smart cities, home automation, smart grids, industry 4.0).

As a result, the radio spectrum is being ever-increasingly used by a wide range of services,(3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, WiMax, Bluetooth, RFID, GNSS, digital terrestrial television, microwave radio systems, private professional networks, satellites, etc.), including vital and particularly sensitive applications and infrastructure.

This use of the radio frequency spectrum brings benefits but at the same time new vulnerabilities and new areas of exposure to interference, whether deliberate or not.

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