
This Dialogue Committee was created by the so-called "Abeille" law of February 9, 2015 on sobriety, transparency, information and consultation with regard to public exposure to electromagnetic waves.  

Placed within the ANFR, this committee participates in informing all stakeholders (associations, operators and manufacturers, local authorities and representatives of the administration), particularly on levels of exposure to waves in our environment and consultation tools.

It is chaired by Michel Sauvade, mayor of Marsac-en-Livradois.  

The Committee's aim is to provide a forum for consultation and constructive exchange on studies carried out or to be encouraged to improve understanding of the exposure generated by antennas, communicating objects and wireless terminals. It is not intended to deal with health issues, which are studied and discussed within ANSES. 

The Committee's existence reflects a desire for exchanges between stakeholders in the field of waves. It takes account of participants' expectations: a roadmap has been drawn up collectively and is available here :


The National Commitee meets 4 times a year. The first inaugural meeting took place in December 2018.